Gateway CounsellingPsychotherapy and Counselling in Bingley, and online.

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What is Psychodynamic Counselling and Psychotherapy?

It may be described at its most simple as a conversation. However, it is primarily a means, through relationship, to enable you to develop improved self-insight and consider your ‘self’ more helpfully concerning the difficulty for which you sought therapy. Psychodynamic psychotherapy considers your issues in light of your past, and present experience - what this means now and the current ways you are managing feeling overwhelmed, troubled or burdened.

Our difficulties in the present often stem from and reflect ways of relating and coping from the past using what might be now redundant strategies. Working psychodynamically, typically means that we will together, look beneath the presenting symptom or problem while at the same time also recognising the need to address the matter at hand.

This form of therapy looks at you as a whole person regarding your thoughts (including surfacing those as yet still preconscious), feelings, emotions and experience relating to others. It recognises that we have a past, which while we carry it with us, it need not determine our present nor future.

More information is available if you click here or here should you wish to explore further.

Time present and time past are both perhaps present in time future, and time future contained in time past.
- T. S. Eliot

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